Come Together on the 20th of “Structural Steel Days” Bringing the Structural Steel Industry Together


The cult event of the Turkish Structural Steel Association, the 20th of the Structural Steel Days, which brings together all groups of industry players, was held on Wednesday, 20 November 2019 at the Istanbul Mariotte Hotel with the participation of AS Steel.

Structural Steel Days, which we are happy to participate in as AS Steel, is a day of excitement and pride for the Turkish Structural Steel Association. What has been done in the name of steel structure in Turkey, those that cannot be done, meet every year at the Structural Steel Days with the important figures of this field.

In the Structural Steel Days held with the financial and moral support of the sector organizations, the Steel Exporters’ Association – CIB was with us as the Institutional Supporter this year. From the supporters Computer & On behalf of the industry, we would like to thank Engineering, Kroman Çelik, Metal Yapı, mim engineering, Tosyalı and Tosçelik. In addition to providing financial support to the event, the organizations met with the event participants throughout the day at the stands set up in the hotel foyer and shared their knowledge and experiences. The atmosphere, which was like a small specialization fair, created a sincere information sharing atmosphere. In addition, SteelPRO 2019, the 116th Steel Structure Design Student Competition, was held on the 20th Structural Steel Day with the sponsorship of Efectis and RZK Çelik.