As Steel’s Chairman of the Board Erkan Sezer, who said, “While the world economies came to a standstill with the coronavirus epidemic, the steps taken by our government and the packages announced one after the other, became a lifeline for the Turkish economy,” said Erkan Sezer, “After the epidemic, there is a new normal in the economy, as in every field. In order for Turkey to reach the targets it has set, it is necessary to develop policies in line with the new normal in the economy, as in other areas. In this sense, the New Economy Package (YEP) has become a package containing dynamic analyzes and strategies.”

I believe that YEP will make a serious contribution to the new normal after the pandemic,” said Sezer, and said, “With this program that supports the private sector, investors and entrepreneurs, as Turkey, we can start the changing world order 1-0 ahead and gain a strong momentum and take the lead on a global scale as a country. plan